While walking between classes today I thought of an excellent blog topic. But since then I have forgotten what it was. So I guess that's too bad, isn't it.
I would like to mention how cute I think it is that people are so quick to pester me to write new things when I haven't posted for a while, but that nobody really wants to make any comments on what has been written. I was kind of hoping, when I started this whole thing, to open up channels of dialogue for people to discuss topics of the day. It has not worked out that way, however. Instead I receive death threats for not offering entertainment for people. It is like everyone is saying "Dance, you funny little monkey, dance for our entertainment..." with nothing really offered in return. It is not easy to perform on command, but evidently people want it to happen, no matter what. So that's fun. Especially when I ask for topic suggestions so that I have SOMETHING to write about and NOBODY comes through....thanks guys.
-A.R. Leith
Quote: "Maybe I don't know. But probably not."- Big D and the Kid's Table
Whatever man.. stop complaining.. Some of us dont have the litereary skill you do. I get 3 people that comment on my blog... the SAME three people all the time.. you get all sorts of different ones. OK now Im complaining. but hey, we all love reading this. it takes time for the little internet folk to open up, and they will dont worry. The more people read the more people will comment, the more you write the more people will read. Exponential growth is the name of the internet game.
How, exactly, does one measure another's level of gayness? Riddle me this!
Alls I can tell you is that there is a slide rule and a dip stick (ewwwwww) involved. Oh, and also a questionaire that asks questions like, "Are you gay?" and "are you sure about your answer to the previous question?" or "If you are a man have you ever been romantically involved with another man or if you are a woman, have you ever been romantically involved with another woman (if 'yes' is video footage available?)?" It's all pretty standard, really.
I will kill you if you don't post more. Do not take this threat lightly. Homo.
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